CLNG Letter to Senate Environment and Public Works on support for reinstatement of regulations of methane emissions

CLNG Letter to House Committee on Energy and Commerce on support for reinstatement of regulations of methane emissions

NGSA and Center for LNG Statement on New U.S. Emissions Goals  

Center for LNG Announces Methane Principles

NGSA-CLNG Statement on Modernization of NEPA

Chart: Carbon Dioxide Reduction Leaders: 2005-2017

NGSA-Center for LNG Commend EPA on Finalizing Rule on Clean Water Act Section 401 Modernization

Chart: U.S. Leads the World in Carbon Reductions Thanks to Natural Gas 2005-2017

Chart: Increased use natural gas drives CO2 savings in US 2005_2018

U.S. LNG: Cleaner Energy for a Cleaner Environment